Friday, October 15, 2010

FAQ: How to use web proxy?

Web proxy is installed on a Web server and enables its users to upload arbitrary Web resources from the IP address of the server, which ensures the anonymity of web surfing. To use a Web proxy, you must enter the address of interest in the resource and the desire to specify additional settings to activate the transition. Additional settings include:

* ban / permit for the processing of JavaScript ;
* Use Cookie ;
* coding web address and page;
* replacement or cleaning of the title;

and several others, depending on the particular application.

When coding a Web address downloadable resource used algorithms Base64 and rot13 . For coding of web pages used in the conversion of HEX code of the text content of web pages. These methods allow access to pages with prohibited content and go to the web address has been blocked by the Administrator. Administrative methods to counteract the use of local area networks web proxy may be: increased content filtering and blocking addresses public web proxy.

It is worth noting that most hosters prohibit installing on cheap fares virtual hosting web proxy because of the large load on the server and the active consumption of incoming traffic. Despite this limitation, the Internet is widespread creation of entire networks, web proxy , they represent a large number of different domain names hosted on one or more IP-addresses of dedicated servers. Such proxy are used by their owners to profit from advertisements placed on these resources.

To use the CGI/PHP/WEB proxy (free web anonymizer) You do not need to change your browser settings, to install additional programs, or do anything more complicated. Simply open a browser web-page of cgi/php proxy, enter in the field you need a URL, and click "Visit".
Among the disadvantages of using CGI/PHP proxy include the presence of additional advertising (which adds itself cgi proxy - through advertising, they exist), limited support for FTP (not always supported), and sometimes may CGI proxy do not allow you to view images.
Some CGI proxy can be set as a proxy in the browser, but it is more the exception than the rule.

list of free proxy go to http://atozfreeproxy

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